Collagen hair mist - 120ml.

Because of the high collagen content, gives your hair more strength and density, which gives a bigger volume!

Collagen hair mist - 120ml

Include natural collagen , our collagen is active ingredient for skin and hair care. It is known for its nutritive effect. Consolidates, thickens and nourishes the hair.
Repairs damaged and breakable hair. Because of the high collagen content, gives your hair more strength and density, which gives a bigger volume.

Also, our very effective formula mist nourishes the skin of head and penetrates deep into the hair root, which slows down the loss of hair.

Another important ingredient is green tea extract. Green tea extract is an important source of protein, peptides and microelements.
It works soothes for skin of head, prevents dandruff and oily hair. Your hair is protected from the adverse effects of the environment.

Baltic Collagen® - Eyes and lips serum.

Demonstrates strong lifting and repairing effects. Complete care for every type of skin!

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Exclusive Cream 50 ml

Extremely effective nursing suitable for skin at every age!

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Body Gel - Гель для массажа тела - Baltic Collagen®

является одним из самых активных косметических средств. 

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Slim Body Expert Baltic Collagen®.


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Пилинг-крем - Baltic Collagen®.

Она питает, увлажняет, фирм и разглаживает кожу!

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Collagen hair mist - 120ml.

Because of the high collagen content, gives your hair more strength and density, which gives a bigger volume!

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Гель для лица и груди 30ml - Baltic Collagen®

восполняет недостаток коллагена, а также стимулирует клетки, отвечающие за приостановку генерации коллагена до реактивации!

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Гель для лица и груди 50ml - Baltic Collagen®

восполняет недостаток коллагена, а также стимулирует клетки, отвечающие за приостановку генерации коллагена до реактивации!

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Baltic Collagen® - Hypo allergic hand cream

Based on a biologically active formula.

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Коллагеновое молочко

Очень мягкая формула для кожи любого типа, в особенности для чувствительной и требовательной. 

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Colldermitis Baltic Collagen® - Формула medcream / мазь

Для лечения псориаза, экземы

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Baltic Collagen


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