Genesis Biocosmetics
The GENESIS BIOCOSMETICS programme is completely innovative and backed by visible results which restore firmness to the skin and appropriate location to the tissues to guarantee a younger and healthier look.
The formula based on patented ingredients and modern nutritional supplementation removes signs of skin maturity and supports its protection by slowing down the advancement of external aging processes. The effectiveness of active components was additionally reinforced by appropriate combination of med creams and a series of treatments to strengthen skin tissues and leave muscles flexible.
We act professionally! Each treatment is preceded by a consultation and development of a personalised programme. It is recommended to apply the programme to young skin (in order to prevent the first signs of aging) or mature skin (in order to slow down the skin’s aging process) or for a skin that requires correction, strengthening, care or protection. The climatic zone, type of skin and season of the year do not impact the effectiveness of the therapy covered by the programme.
New holistic approach
Key to success? A lifestyle change! Consciousness is key to prevent aging which translates into everyday care of your body. Another crucial aspect includes appropriate management of stress – support from therapists allows us to redirect thoughts to an entirely different dimension which makes the stress disappear in opposite direction. Completion of the programme does not stem from a temporary need – the innovative, scientifically advanced and holistic approach – is a “must have”, a necessity!
The offer includes bio body treatment founded on appropriately adjusted physical activity along with advice on correct eating habits (including supplements which complement the diet with necessary ingredients). Age determined by your date of birth is not always equivalent to your biological age – whereas the skin condition fully presents what is going on inside your body, it reflects your lifestyle.
Your lifestyle, on the other hand, is tied to four main processes which cause acceleration or slowing down of the aging process: inflammation, oxidation, glycation, methylation (risk for cell replication caused by the lack of physical activity). By implementing advanced specialist programmes, Genesis takes over responsibility for protecting the body against each of the four factors!
Close cooperation with BEST-LIFE BIOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY resulted in the development of an advanced therapy (a series of treatments) based on 100% natural products on PRO BALTIC COLLAGEN!
Genesis of the Institute
Many years of experience in physiotherapy and biocosmetics paved the way for developing an innovative programme to prolong young looks:
Integrated and innovative approach as well as a holistic concept made it possibleto develop a programme to remove visible signs of aging – a programme the priority of which is to prolong youth, enhance (general) wellbeing and good external and internal body condition.